Majlis Perbandaran Ampang Jaya (MPAJ) donated RM3,000 to SlopeWatch for its acti
vities like exhibitions and awareness programmes. Thanks to MPAJ.
En. Rashid, Head of Puncak Bukit Utama with the cheque mock-up.

Slopewatch was featured in an RTM 1 Program called Dialog on 1 June 2011. This is the production setup in the studio at Angkasapuri.

The studio setup
Razak Bahrom shared his experience living at Bukit Antarabangsa and the formation of SlopeWatch to help monitor the signs of landslides.

En Razak Bahrom on the mic
Group photos with panellist, Dato’ Prof. Ir. Dr. Ashaari Mohammad, Senior Director of CKC and Prof. Dr. Alias Abdullah, President of Malaysian Institute of Planners.

Group photos with panellist
SlopeWatch gives talks on public awareness and education on landslides, organizes monitoring treks around the communities, and distributes useful tips and information to help residents increase their knowledge of slope safety.

A committee member at Oakleaf Park Condominium welcomes residents at a talk

Residents organized a monitoring trek in the hills behind Bukit Antarabangsa
Slopewatch was featured in one of RTM 1 Program called Dialog. This is some of the photos in the studio at Angkasapuri
Who we are
SlopeWatch is a community program run by residents who monitor slopes in their neighbourhood for signs of landslides and conduct simple maintenance of slopes, such as clearing of overgrowth in drains.
By participating as SlopeWatchers, residents become the “eyes and ears” for the local authorities. Because residents are familiar with their surroundings, they are the best observers of any changes in the slopes around their homes.
By working together with federal slope agencies and local and state authorities, communities can take a risk-reduction approach to hillside living.
Public awareness and education sessions help residents become more knowledgeable on safeguarding their communities.